The odds of being struck by lightning in Canada are lower than one in a million. Yet each year, six to 12 Canadians are killed by lightning and many more are injured.
It is safest and recommended to follow Sport Information Resource Centre and Enviroment Canada’s 30-30 Rule :
When there are fewer than 30 seconds between the flash of lightning and the rumble of thunder, you should seek immediate shelter in a well-constructed building. If no such building is nearby, the best choice is to get into a hard-topped vehicle such as a car, van or RV. If you are caught outside and cannot quickly get to a building or vehicle, then you should do the following:
Maintain lightning safety precautions for 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning or rumble of thunder. There have been a number of documented cases of lightning striking the ground many kilometres away from a thunderstorm, even though the storm may be moving away.